Sunday, March 13, 2011

Unbelieveable pgs 107-128

     Emily had ended up in Akron, Ohio on a bus and had no idea where she was headed, but was scared as to what she was going to do.  She was watching the news and Hanna came on! They were saying how Hanna awoke from her Coma and they also sent a news alert saying Emily Fields was missing, her parents said "Emily we miss you and want you to come home."  Emily never thought they would say that so she actually wanted to come home and found the soonest trip back to Rosewood.
     Hanna was still confused as ever.  Aria and Spencer were still there visiting Hanna and comforting her and so was Mona Vaanderwal. Mona and Hanna actually just made up in the hospital room and are now BFF's again.
     Officer Wilden came to talk to Ian and Melissa about the night that Ali disappeared because the girls were staying in Melissa's barn.  He asked them if they were together the whole night, Ian answered yes, even though they both knew that was a lie because he had gone to meet Ali.  They lied to other questions too, now spencer is questioning if Melissa is the killer? I will have to keep reading!

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