Friday, January 28, 2011

Flawless pgs. 1-24

     I just began reading the second book of the Pretty Little Liars series, and the beginning starts off with a flashback of the girls from the spring of 6th.  One of my favorite quote from the flashback of the sleepover is,
      " It was a Friday night in April, and Ali, Aria, Emily, Spencer, and Hanna were having one of their typical sixth-grade sleepovers: putting way too much makeup on one another, chowing on salt-and-vinegar kettle chips, and half-watching MTV cribs on Ali's flat-screen TV.  Tonight there was the added clutter of everyone's clothes spread out on the carpet, since they'd decided to swap clothes for the rest of their sixth-grade school year."
     this quote just reminds me so much of what my friends and I used to do in sixth-grade and even sometimes now. 
     Well basically what happens is at this sleepover, they find the neighbor Toby Cavanaugh spying on them during their sleepover.  Toby has a step sister, Jenna, and Ali knows some secret about the two of them that she hasnt revealed yet.  Well during this sleepover Ali decides to go set off a fire work to scare Toby , but instead it accidently gets thrown into his room, blinding Jenna, his step-sister!  Toby takes the blame for it and Ali tells the girls never to tell untill they die and makes them all friendship bracelets. 
    As for whats going on in their present lives, the girls are now in communication and they meet up after the funeral to discuss what has been going on these past years they havent seen eachother.  Well they also discuss all these strange -A texts they have been getting too.   Their time gets interupted when Mona picks up Hanna and they all go home.

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