Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Brass Verdict pgs 150-207

     Patrick Henson is Micky's driver, but he is also one of Micky's clients.  Patrick has been accusesd of stealing his ex-girlfriends diamond necklace, but he admits to Mikcy that he really did steal it.  Micky thinks that if he can prove that the diamonds are not real then that will close the case, but in the meantime they are on their way to Mr. Eliott's home in malibu to study the crime scene.  On the way there Patrick tells Micky that he would like to get one of his surfboards back that he sold to Vincent before he died.  Micky thinks he can get one back for Patrick.  They have finally arrived at the home.
     Mrs. Albrecht greets Micky at the door and they enter the home.  The home is very large and beautiful.  Micky asks if anyone has been in the home since the crime and she says not many people not even cleaners.  In the master bedroom there were blood splatters around the room and all of the linnens and pillows had been stripped off of the bed for analysis.  Maggie calls Micky and tells him to pick up Hayley at 7:30 because she has somewhere to be.  He agrees to get her, but this means he must hurry up and meet with Mr. Elliot to discuss the case so he is done in time. 
     Mr.Elliot shows up and it is not time to discuss the case with Micky.  Elliot claims that he did NOT do the crime and tries to convince Micky to believe him.  Micky believes it is irrelevent to know if he commited the crime or not, what he needs is evidence to clear his name. Elliot says that right before Vincent died, Vincent had said he found the "magic bullet" to the case and it would blow the case out of the waters.  What Micky needed to do was to figure out what the "magic bullet" was.
    Micky picks up Hayley and he figures out what Maggie needed to do was she had to go to a parent/teacher conference.  Hayley and Micky decide they want to just go back to Micky's place and watch television. Hayley asks Micky if Maggie and her father will ever get back together and this leaves Haller at a loss for words.
     Micky drops Hayley off at school the next morning and then heads over to Vincnents office.  He runs into Bosch there and they are still trying to figure out the case.  They talk about the people they had suspected in the past, but they cleared all the names because they were either already in jail or dead.  They then discussed Vincents great amount of money he accumulated from Elliot on the case.  It was over 100,000 dollars for the first payment and they were starting to wonder if there was a bribe involved and maybe this is what got vincent killed.  The only person who would know what the bribe was about would be Elliot, but he will not tell them.
     Bosch then brings out a picture of a man entering the office building of where Vincent used to work on the day he was killed.  It was a man in a suit with a mustache and sunglasses holding a gun.  Could this be the killer ?  Neither Bosch nor Haller recognized him, but they will be on the lookout for the strange man.

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